Tuesday, August 27, 2013

So my 12 month old almost sleeps through the night. About 14 (yes 14) days ago I decided our little nighttime up all night days were over. My boy has never slept consistently, sometimes up twice, sometimes up every 45 minutes and was still going strong on this at 12 months! And let me tell you, those up every 45 minute sessions and waking up to go to work = no bueno. I've tried every approach I could think of and research. From the Baby Whisperer's "shoosh and pat", to Dr. Ferber's "7 minute checks", to 3 nights of "extinction" and nothing worked. And I was frustrated beyond belief. 

When we brought Easton home from the hospital I was told to set my alarm for every two hours during the night to breastfeed, I will not be doing this with the next baby (unless of course they are way underweight). At the beginning I responded to every little noise this kid made and hearing him cry was gut-wrenching to me. We didn't even think about moving him to his crib until he turned 4 months. With baby numero dos, the second they start sleeping longer stretches, it will be time for their own crib! And at 4 months when the Dr. says they can go about 8-10 hours without eating during the night...I will believe them, otherwise I will be stuck at 11 months nursing 5 times a night...again.

 So what did I do? I realized his crib is safe for him. I realized he eats 3 meals, plus snacks, 2 bottles and nurses 2 times a day. I realized he isn't teething or sick. I realized that in a year I haven't slept for over 5 hours at a time, and It was showing. I realized that I, yes I made my boy a bad sleeper because I haven't taught him how to sleep or to soothe himself. And I realized, I wanted my boy to feel good and get adequate sleep for his growth and development.

So one day I decided I would put him to sleep and when he wakes up after 6 a.m. I would get him and we would start our day. And yes the first night was terrible, I wanted to rescue him so badly. And then the second, third, fourth and so on I stood strong. And on the 8th night he still woke up once (where did this kid come from?) but only fussed for 3 minutes and slept, until 7:45 am (almost 12 hours). He may or may not wake up a couple of times...but he has learned to "soothe" himself back to sleep after a couple of minutes.

So what have I learned? Obviously sleep does glorious things in a household and we almost have our nighttimes figured out! This is one happy mama here!


  1. So glad to hear you are getting things figured out! Sleep is a MUST!!! I'm sure it'll make everyones days a little easier now that he can sleep through the night!


    1. Me too, if only I figured it out months ago! And yes the mornings, days, and nights are heavenly!

  2. So glad you posted about this. C is at 14 weeks and we are about to transition to the crib at night but I am worried about it. It is not going very well during the day for naps but hope it goes better at night. Trying to get better at not nursing him to sleep too! It's tough though!

    1. It is so hard to stop nursing to sleep...I never stopped!! I hear night time sleep is easier to work out than naps, maybe try that first? Your babe is still young, you got plenty of time!

  3. This is great! I know it is tough that is amazing you atuxk it out! You go girl!

  4. See! He is safe and happy and full! Stay strong! :)

  5. he is sOOooOOo cute!!! We got landon to sleep from 7-7 around 12 months... our peds said to just drop the feeding and let him figure it out and he did!! good luck

