Monday, March 25, 2013

Believing in Tomorrow

When house shopping we had multiple "must haves" on our list. One of them being a large yard. We now often wonder, what the heck were we thinking? Having a big yard is sometimes quite the chore for us   the husband. Since having baby E in our lives it is nearly impossible to both being doing yard work at the same time! Spring time is really when our backyard comes alive! We have made our outdoor room with our BBQ, fire pit, waterfall and seating area. The past couple of weeks we have been working hard to get this yard into spring time shape!
One thing that has stayed the same since purchasing our home is our rose bushes, we have finally learned how to "cut back" our roses in the winter to get the most beautiful blooms in the spring and summer. I have planted bulbs around the yard and year after year the bloom! I'm waiting for many of them to pop open this week! 

Spring time in our house means preparing our vegetable garden! The dirt has been turned and replenished and the veggies are in! Last year we planted a teeny tiny artichoke plant which has really become an eye sore, but LOOK! We have an artichoke! I am looking forward to Easton picking and eating our fresh veggies this year!

Outside my kitchen door I have my cooking herbs and of course some extra strawberries! Since I have my salsa garden out back and we have Mexican food constantly, cilantro is a must! 

And of course the cutest little gardener there ever was..sunglasses and all! (yes I did have to steal them from his Easter basket)

1 comment:

  1. wow, everything looks so pretty! i'm jealous of the cilantro growing, i need to get some of that for my tiny herb garden. and of course i'm jealous of the little man rolling around back there, too!
