These newborn days surely do fly by. Madelyn has been apart of our family for a little over a month and we are all obsessed and in love with her. Big brother Easton would prefer if he was always holding her or if he could be in the baby swing with her.
During the first month of life this little girl got to celebrate her first Christmas, go to the mountains and sled (or sit in a sled), attend a birthday party, go for a hike and many walks, read books, and so much more. (way more than her big brother got to do within the first month because this Mama was scared to even put him in the car seat).
Not very amused by tummy time |
Sledding with her brother |
naps on Daddy |
Hang out with her cousin Reese |
And her cousins Aiden, Liam and Chloe |
At one month Madelyn is waking about 2 times a night to eat, around 1245-145 and then again around 4-5…not bad! She rarely cries, but is definitely starting a fussy time in the evenings. She is eating every 3 ish hours.
Love the update :) I especially love the pic of her and Easton in the sled. What a busy little lady!