"Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17
My birth plan consisted of...
1. No false alarms (I refused to go to the hospital unless I would be admitted)
2. I wanted an epidural (even though I was terrified)
3. I wanted my husband and my Mom in the room
4. I wanted a mirror (I was told that your more effective if you can see..I know, ew)
5. I wanted an hour with just my baby and my husband
6. I wanted to breastfeed
It all started on a Friday at my 37 week appointment, when the Dr. told me, "I don't think this baby is going to make it to your next appointment". So of course I was dying to meet the little guy, but didn't want to get my hopes up! My husband didn't work that weekend because he wanted to be there when I went into labor. We walked around Laguna Beach, went to lunch and that evening I thought "these must be contractions" lets go for a walk! They didn't go away, I was excited and started texting my friends. They all said the same thing "you will know when your in labor", "your contractions will be regular". So I just breathed through the pains and held my breath and timed them, on my i-phone app of course! Although I felt like I was dying...my contractions weren't regular, so I sent the husband off to work, telling him, "it must just be braxton hicks".
I woke up and started getting ready for my hair appointment because I would NOT have roots for my delivery. As I was leaning over clenching the sink, I was thinking these Braxton Hicks are serious business. Other "things" started going on (I will spare the details) so I called my OB, who said go to the hospital. I of course said, " No, I don't want to to be sent away" and she told me I could go to her office and she could check to see if I was in labor. So I drove to my 10:00 appointment and of course was having serious "false labor" contractions walking through the parking lot (I may have stopped in the middle of the road to breath through one or two).
Well as she "checked" my labor signs, my water broke! And of course she said, you NEED to go to the hospital, you are in full blown labor. So what did I do? I started crying! (where did that come from? I was just so excited and scared at the same time). I called my husband, who was working in LA, up a power pole. Then I called my SIL who was going to drive me to the hospital. And of course I first had to go home and collect our hospital bags, give the dogs water (it was August in So Cal). So I stood on the driveway with my luggage and waited for my ride!
As my SIL was driving me we were laughing when she asked, do we listen to music for this? What do you want to listen too? Then I would get teary eyed and tried to breath through the contractions. We parked and then we thought...am I supposed to be in a wheelchair? Considering my water broke and I was in labor, we didn't have time to look for a wheelchair and we just went to L & D. I got hooked up and ready for baby!
I quickly got my epidural, which I had been debating on getting because I was so scared of something being put into my spine! Of course I then had a reaction to the epidural and my blood pressure tanked so the crew came in, put on some oxygen, gave some medications and lots of fluid and I was back in business! I told them I felt pressure...and 30 minutes later (yes right at shift change, my nursing friends) at 7:32 p.m. Easton Lee Stroud was born into this world at 6 lbs 14 oz and 19 3/4 in. And he is PERFECT!
And my birth plan came true.